Project 365

From a Life of Crime to a Life of Love: Finding Redemption and Belonging
Sep 13, 2023

"I always thought I was a criminal"

- Justin

I never knew my dad. After Mom died, my uncle got me addicted to drugs. He taught me to steal in order to fuel his drug habit. His crimes grew increasingly bold, even tying up an old man to take all he owned. Finally, out of control, my uncle beat up a cop and was arrested. I never saw him again. Numb and alone, I didn’t know what to do. After I ate all the food in our small apartment I walked away without a backwards glance.

Sneaking onto a train, I traveled to a big city. What could a worthless person like me do? Beg? Before I could start, a policeman found me and took me to a man with soft eyes, who asked me if I wanted to go to school like the other kids. I sobbed. Didn’t they know I was a criminal? Why were they being nice to me? They took me to a place with soft beds, clean water, and new friends. It was wonderful! I felt…loved. Though no one said it, I knew THAT was the feeling I’d been missing.

After a lifetime of proving my worth by how much I could steal, I learned my value was in who God created me to be. Educated. Safe. Loved. Finally, I knew that I was home. 

13 Sep, 2023
Discover the remarkable story of Daniel, who went from a promising student to a victim of deception and enslavement, only to find hope, freedom, and a bright future through Project 365. Follow his inspiring journey as he overcomes adversity, completes his education, and builds a new life filled with love, family, and hope. This story is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of support and belief.
13 Sep, 2023
Explore the incredible story of a young girl who overcame abandonment, exploitation, and despair to find hope and belonging through the help of a stranger and the grace of our Heavenly Father. Follow her inspiring journey from a life of hardship to a place where she can dream, learn, and thrive, all while realizing her true worth."
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